Things Every Undergraduate Must Do Before Leaving The University


Being in the university is a beautiful time. You learn so much about yourself and you meet amazing people.

However, if you plan those four years carefully, you could benefit even more than you thought possible. If you’re still an undergraduate, do these things before you leave school, your future self will thank you (and us) for it.

1. Fall in Love

You’re going to see more beautiful, handsome, intelligent and amazing men and women than you have ever seen at a single place in your life. Don’t be greedy, allow yourself to fall for one and experience the joy of real love. You’ll either win or you’ll learn; you’ll never lose.

2. Build Your Faith

You’re going to meet a large number of people you share your faith with, and they will challenge you to higher heights. Take advantage of this and learn and grow in your faith. I admit being woken up at dawn by my church folks for meetings wasn’t easy and I skipped a few, but I know how much those times helped me.

3. Bond With All Your Classmates

No matter who you are, you are bound to fight with your classmates at some point in time. The important thing here is to make up before you graduate. In the after school world, mates are some pretty important people to have in your life.

4. Learn To Cook

This goes for men and women in general. Expand your culinary prowess. At the very least, master a signature dish that you can whip up at any time when the need arises. My first-year roommate taught me a simple gravy recipe and it has come in handy a surprising number of times.

5. Know Yourself Better

Know what you like and work hard to get them. Keep the friends that will last a lifetime. Don’t waste time on trivial pursuits that you will not care about when school ends. Be the best version of you, and like yourself.

6. Talk To New People

You’re going to meet random people at events, parties, church and in your friends’ rooms when you go visiting. Master small talk and be friendly with everyone. Some of your best friendships will start this way.

7. Work On Your Grades

No matter what else you have going on in your college life, never think they are much more important than your grades. Work hard and graduate with the grade that benefits you. You can have an active social life and excellent grades. Learn how to balance your life.

8. Travel Abroad

It’s easier to get a visa when you’re still a student. Take advantage of this and travel. See the world, get some useful travel experience, and earn some money on the side.

9. Be A Leader

Run for a position in a student group you’re in. Manage affairs wisely in your lecture hall, hostel etc. Mentor a group of freshmen in your department. Read books, learn to lead and manage people and resources.

10. Befriend People From Different Backgrounds

If you’re a rich kid, make friends with someone of more modest means. Befriend people of different ethnic groups, religions and political inclinations. Learn how to see things from a different perspective, and learn from that.

11. Manage Your Time Effectively

You can’t do most of the things on this list if you don’t learn to do things at the right time. Have a schedule and stick to it. Have a system – it could be a notebook or a calendar on your phone that you use to set up reminders. Discipline is the keyword here.

12. Start And Maintain A Reading Habit

Read your course notes, but try to read something non-academic on the regular. Read a novel or some creative non-fiction and keep doing it.

13. Master Your Personal Finances

Keep and stick to a budget. Keep track of the things you’re spending on, and cut out unnecessary expenses. Know where your money comes from and where it goes.

14. Start A Business

If you’re going to live comfortably in modern Ghana, you’ll want to know how to hustle on the side, to bring home the bacon to feed the family. In my time I create blog and sell blog video tutorials, and it was fun and I learned a lot. You can try selling hibiscus drink (relax, it’s just sobolo), recharge cards, start a small catering service, to name but a few.

15. Save At Least GHC 1000

You should always have something in the bank. At some point in time after school, you’re going to be cut off from parental support. You don’t want to go to bed hungry just because you didn’t set up some savings for yourself.

16. Buy And Keep A Powerful Laptop

Make sure you leave university with a good computer. It is easier to convince parents and relatives to buy you one while you’re still a student. And if you find yourself only watching series and movies and not doing much else with it, you’re doing it wrong.

17. Learn Microsoft Office and Typing

Please don’t be that person who managed to complete their university education, including submitting a thesis, and yet cannot find their way around a word processor. Just don’t. Learn Excel too, it’s powerful. Also, learn to type fast and save yourself time.

18. Make Connections During An Internship

Don’t stay home and chill all the time during vacations! This is your opportunity to work for some of the biggest firms in Ghana. Just be bold and apply. You may even get a nice allowance for your trouble, and if you perform well, you could secure a job when you graduate.

19. Have A Plan For What You Want To Do After School And Work On It

If you want to start a business after school work on it. If you want to work in the top firms in your industry, do more internships. Have a plan and execute it. Seek help from well-placed colleagues and lecturers.

20. Learn Business Skills

We’ve all heard the story of the graduate with a first-class degree who couldn’t get a job in his industry for years. Apart from internships, you can avoid this by learning strong business skills. Learn how to give a powerful presentation. Know how to dress for business – sharp, clean and professional. Have a CV and cover letter you constantly update and improve.

Most importantly, enjoy this special time in your life. You’re only young once. Go forth and conquer!





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