Strange Things Ghanaians Do Just To Pass Their Exams


Exams in Ghana is like a test to heaven so students do practically anything just to pass. 

Some might be on an individual basis, others might be in a group but at the end of the day, there is always something strange they do just to pass an exam. Below are some of them.

Dipping Legs In Water To Study

Studying for an exam is one of the most difficult times for every student in Ghana because we hardly learn ahead till the final day. One of the things most people do just to stay awake all night to learn is by dipping their legs in a bucket of water to stay awake and study through the night. Weird right?

Sleeping With Lecturers

At the university level, female students who don’t want to learn, sleep with their male lecturers just to get a pass mark. They go straight to their lecturers to offer themselves which the lecturers gladly accept. Some also are pushed by their lecturers who make them aware that until they sleep with them, they won’t pass.


Some students consult traditional priests to help them with some magical pen or a piece of handkerchief to use during the exams to enable them pass. This is weird because if that priest had the powers, he wouldn’t be sitting where he is, he would have been Bill Gates by now. Some even buy some perfumes which they use for the exams. Funny thing is, they don’t even pass.

Not Bathing

You will not believe this but some people actually do not bath till they’ve finished writing all their papers. They have the fear that if they bath, they will wash away everything they’ve learnt. If this is not absolute rubbish, then I don’t know what is. Question is, do they bath their brains or their bodies?

Dipping Pens In Holy Water

Some students visit the catholic church and have their examination tools dipped in holy water before an exam. Some also have their parents send their pens, maths sets, pencils etc. to church to have them blessed by their pastors before they start the exams. Meanwhile, pastors child will write the same exams and still fail.

Special Night Prayers

Some students resort to all night prayers to pass their exams while their books sit in their rooms unread. They pray for God to come write their exams for them. Unfortunately, most of them fail.

Bribing Lecturers

Mostly in the university, students bribe lecturers with all sort of things just to pass their exams. They offer money, clothes, jewellery, phones, etc. so they can be awarded grades they don’t deserve.

Not Talking To People

Before an exam, there are people who actually refuse to talk to anyone because they believe if they talk to you, what they’ve learnt will disappear or it will evaporate into you. They also believe that once they talk to you and you have some bad spirit, you’ll make them forget what they’ve learnt.

Eating Some Particular Food

Before an exam, some people desist from eating certain foods because they believe it affects your memory and everything you’ve learnt will vanish into thin air.

Bribing Security

Most students hide materials in the washroom and pretend they are going to urinate only to steal a glance and so security men are asked to accompany them when they request to visit the washroom. Interestingly, to make it easier, they bribe the security men so they allow them space to use the materials before escorting them back.

Aside these strange things which students do to pass their exams, some also engage in the old trick in the book, cheating.




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