Let Love Lead You.

When you begin to love yourself
When you study your history
When you study her story
When you start eating right
When you learn to love and accept others
When you read factual books
When you commit to working out
When you travel
When you act locally & think globally
When you debate with scholars
When you detoxify you body
When you decalcify your pineal gland
When you drink green juices
When you get a water filter
When designer shoes stop mattering
When you listen to authentic music
When you stop worshiping materialism
When you question your government
When you care more about humanity
When you meditate
When you care about all animals
When you become less insecure
When you get out of that toxic relationship
When you don't blindly follow religion
When you become your own motivation
When you stop being disrespectful
When you stop being racist
When you stop being classist
When you stop worshipping money
When you love you natural beauty
When you discover what makes you happy
When you're doing good for your soul
When you are helping others
When you don't demonise plants
When you hold the police accountable
When you speak for the oppressed
When you take no sh*t
When you learn to protect yourself
When you stop being so loose with your time, your body and your soul.
When you stop talking and start listening
When you teach as much as you preach
When you start researching
When you befriend more intellectuals
When you start making to do lists
When your aren't defined by society
When you affect others positively
When you smile more
When you something that scares you
When you stop reading tabloids
When you stop promoting world star fights that stereotype impoverish black people
When you stop watching reality TV...

Then come and talk to me about religion, but by this point I won't care what religion you are because you will be empowered :)




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