You can make a choice concerning what you want to do but you cannot choose the consequence that comes with that decision made. Therefore taking a decision means automatically accepting the consequence that comes with that choice. This is how serious decision making or choice is. Note also that not making a deliberate decision is already a decision taken and that also comes with its consequence. What i mean is not deciding to decide is already a decision made.
Dear friend, please make the very best out of every opportunity God gives you and fear. Life is full of opportunities most of which we do not see or even appreciate. Take a strong decision to be serious with life and with God. Don't wait till things get messed up in life before you get serious.
You may belong to a family with so many troubles, pain, misery, evil, sin and negative trends, don't worry take a bold decision that you will take take the right steps required to come out of those situations. You can overcome them, Yes you can because how you see yourself is extremely important and if you don't know who you are, others will give you a definition for your own life.
It is time to get to a quiet closet, analyze yourself and your life carefully, Decide to take life more serious and take a decision to leave a lasting legacy so difficult to erase on earth. Time is running out, decide now
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