Dr Jay Adams tells the story of a man who decided to give up worry.When a friend noticed how relaxed he looked and asked how he'd conquered worry, he said, 'It's simple; I just hired a guy to do my worrying for me. Asked how much that cost, he replied, '£10,000 a mouth. 'Where will you get the money?' his anxious friend queried. He replied calmly. 'Thats his worry, not mine!' Jesus tells us to hand our worries over to Him! He understands that we're anxious about our finances and worried we won't be able to affort the things we need. So He instructs us, 'Do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'. Notice, It's the combination of 'worrying' and 'saying' that brings on anxiety. Your self-talk, plus your words to others about your fears, are negative reinforcers, distorting your perceptions, magnifying your fear and making you feel helpless and hopeless about your circumstances and your future. Don't do that! Claim the 'much more' passages Jesus gave us in (Matthew 6.) 'Look at the birds...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?. '.....God clothes the grass of the field...will he not much clothe you?....' Worry belongs to unbelievers, not to kingdom citizens. 'For the pagan (unbelievers) run after (exert great effort, pursue apprehensively, are anxiously preoccupied with) all these things...'-food, drink and clothing. Make '....his kingdom and his righteousness...' your focus, not the unpredictable economy, and '...all these things will be given to you as well....' Thank you.
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