In second of this year, i want to share with
you some tips on HOW TO LIVE EACH
ON THE DAILY BASIS. Please let's start.
Begin the day with God. Starting the day with
God is the best thing the living can do. Life is
blessing, and one must not be proud for having
life. Thank God for that. Communicate with Him.
You declare your day with your words and thoughts.
Plan the day. You can use the TO DO LIST. List what
you will want to do within that day. The leadership expert,
John Maxwell said, "the greatest mistake a person can do
is doing nothing". Plan your day and work the plan.
Take time to relax. Relaxation is important to the growth of
a living thing. Within a day have a break and within that period
do not think of anything. Relax to recharge.
Make time to exercise yourself spiritually and physically. Make
time to read the Scriptures and meditate on it. When was the
last time you fasted. Also when was the last time you jogged,
skip the rope, went for a jym, ride a bike. Exercise yourself on
a regular basis.
End the day with God. Thank God for your day. Remember that
not everyone went out and came successful. Stay Bless
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