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Salvation Through Christ Jesus |
"Sons and daughters, when was the last time you picked up your bible and studied it or even read it? You believe in heaven and hell yet you are not doing everything possible to avoid hell. You believe in me, yet you live as if I am not who I say I am, a JUST and HOLY God who wouldn’t judge you any differently from anyone else. When I said that the road to salvation is narrow and only a few will find it, you think you are exempt from this? Do you take the time to think if you are on the narrow road to salvation? When I told the parable of the sower and said that only one out of four soils bore fruit, which soil do you categorize yourself as? You go to church once a week but leave the same way you came, with all your bad habits still in tact. You refuse to truly seek me outside of your church. When I said you must eat my body and drink my blood, you think I only meant in communion? Did I not say that obedience is better than sacrifice? Let me remind you, I also said I am the bread of life that came down from heaven and that he who COMES to me shall not hunger nor will they thirst. And by bread I don't mean regular bread or even communion alone for I clarified myself when I said that man must not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God, out of my mouth. My bread that I have to give you is my word, the words out of my mouth. It is my word that I want you to live by. You shouldn't receive communion if you haven't eaten my word. I want you to believe in me, and obey me. Search the scriptures and you will see me cautioning anyone that does not obey my words, that I will indeed judge them by their inability to keep my words. Are you keeping my words? Do you know what my words are? And no I don’t just mean the 10 commandments. Yes you say I am your savior but am I your lord? Do you know the difference?
I have watched you show up to church and everyone of you go up to receive communion without knowing what they are receiving and what it stands for. Have you not heard the scripture in 1 Corinthians 11:27, 29? Some receive communion with their boyfriends/girlfriends whom they are committing fornication with. You receive me with your lips but not your hearts for if you receive me with your hearts you will let me change you.
It grieves my heart that you have forgotten my decrees that your body is the temple of my Holy Spirit. So many of you abuse my temple everyday, and then some of you run to confession the next day without truly being sorry. Listen, I instituted confession as a way for you to confess your sins but I also want you to stop sinning and repent.
Yes you were the first church from which the other churches emanated from but take heed, each of you, for I did also say that the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. Did I not come from the jewish nation? Were they not the first to see me and hear the gospel? Yet the rest of the world received me in mass quantity and my own people will be last to receive and believe in me. Why are you more loyal to your church than to me? How many of you have a personal relationship with me? How many of you can quote 5 scriptures? Yet I told you that it is the way to defend against the devil yet you don't care. You know nothing of spiritual warfare. Your bible is a decoration. You pray a 15 minute in prayer but you spend 3 minutes only talking to me directly because somehow you have the impression that you can't come directly to me. Most of you don't even know how to talk to me without a manual because you do not know me. Yet I came to earth to be known by you. You say you go through others because they will help you present your case better to me? Does it mean that you only pray to me to receive things? And these things are better presented to me by others? Fine, they help you get to me, I got it, but when you have gotten to me why don't you try to establish a direct link to me? Why would you rather always come back to me the same way you came? I love Mary my earthly mother and I don't take it lightly when people equate her with the devil, but I want to have a very personal relationship with you directly for I am the one that shed His blood for you and I am also your high priest. Heaven is mine. I decide who comes in. It's better that I know you myself rather than someone else recommending you. I came down to earth and walked amongst you so what makes you think I am unapproachable? No, even my father is now approachable because of the sacrifice I made on your behalf. Spend time with me in prayer and worship so that I can help you change. Open your bible and stop being ignorant of my words and the methods I have made available for you to fight spiritual warfares. Dare to guess why churches are closing down? You are losing the battle to the devil so he is closing down your churches and I am allowing him because you have not been worshipping me properly. For the churches that truly worship me the chains of hell will not prevail against.
I want to remind you that your salvation is not anything for you to be unserious about as your time on earth is limited. Most of you are lukewarm but you don't even know it. Well, let me tell you now that you are lukewarm and I hate lukewarm christians. I will not be partial in my judgement on them. You have succeeded in turning “some” of the priests into puppets who can no longer admonish the people they are sheparding for fear of backlash or decrease in church membership.
Because I love the catholic church I am not asking you to leave. But a change is needed, starting with you. Entrance into heaven is not based on your church but on your relationship with me.
Remember, I alone, shed my blood for you. I alone am your high priest using my own blood to atone for your sins. I alone intercede on your behalf. I alone should be your Lord, not just your savior, for I alone will judge you. I repeat, I ALONE will judge you. I will judge you based on my standards, not yours, and not by the world’s standard.
Starting today, seek me and you will find me. Get to know me while you still have breath in your nostrils. Finally I rebuke those that I love. I love you and I want you to know me and come to me. I have a lot to show you. In my presence there is fullness of joy. Be loyal to me. Abide in me and I will abide in you. At the end, your ears will get to hear and your eyes will see what I have prepared for those who love me. You show me your love while on earth and I will show you what everlasting love is".
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Credits: Jesus is determined that you make it to Heaven
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