To know the key to financial success, you have to work
on what kills our motivation to pursue success before
we can get the key to financial success.
The tomorrow is in, so let's start. Let's start with
a quote, its reads "in the end, what we regret most
are the changes we never took". Still on what kills
our motivation to pursue success.
Lack of action. Any one want to be successful must
take action. Nothing good comes easy. Act on your
dreams if you want to be successful. Someone once
said, if you want to know who you are do not ask,
act!, action is what will define and delineate you. So
my dear act on your dreams and resolutions.
Negative people:- be selective when it comes to friends.
You can not choose someone traveling to north while you
are moving to south. Think of Mark Twain's quote, "keep
away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Eagles move with eagles. People can make or unmake you
so watch it. Who is your friend?
Fear of failure:- the invention of the bulb after 1000 failures.
The basketball hero, Micheal Jordan said, "i have failed over
and over and over again in my life. And that is why i succeeded".
Remember failure is just an event and not a person. If you have
failed do not stop, act again and your success door will be open.
Not having a clear plan:- Without a clear plan, you are bound to
waste a lot of energy and time. Trying to get from point A to point
B without a map to Point B can be frustrating. Winston Churchill
said, "he who fails to plan is planning to fail". Be clear of your plan.
Comparing yourself with others:- In life i can never be you and you
can not be me. Do not compare your life with others. You have a
destiny and that's different from mine. Do not follow the crowd. If
someone have a car that does not mean you are also destine to have
a car. Yours could be different so live your life. Do not compare if
you love yourself.
Fear of criticism:- Whether you like it or not, not everyone will like
you. Elbert Hubbard said, "to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing,
and be nothing". I believe that even with you not being nothing, people
will still talk. Criticism is good. To me it tells me i can do better and more
that's why people are criticizing me. Do not be afraid of criticism OK.
Let me end for the the day. It's my hope that you will act on it. Stay blessed.
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