Life Has A Limit.
The more i reflect on life the more,
I see the impact in Steve Jobs quote.
Today, i share with you some lessons from this quote.

Life has a limit. Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 have something
instructive. Our existence in this world has a purpose.
When one finds it that person is blessed, and for filled.
Make it a point to make an impact. Do not live to the
expectations of others. People will mostly do not understand
your destiny especially parents. Live the life you need to
live not the life people pressure you to live. Note, do not
expect much from people rather expect much from God.
His expectations is what we need.

Plan your life, or else others will make you work for theirs.
Planning is the act of changing your desires into success.
Making ones dreams a reality is not easy but not impossible.
Remember others have made it so can you. Build a bullet
proof for negativity. Make it a point in your life to force on
the positive. A positive mental attitude will make you to be
optimistic. The negative always kills creativity.

Note the primary existence in this world. Seek ye first the
Kingdom of God, .......Also make an indelible mark every
where you step foot. In short make life the the way you want
it to be. Remember you have the power. Stay uplifted.



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