Look Back to Look Forward

At a personal level, we must also allow ourselves to have a moment of self-review. Productivity as a concept does not only mean being "productive at work" but also being productive in other areas of our life. On a wider scale, it means "being productive as a person". Whatever we've accomplished in the past are just that - part of our past. But they should serve us as a starting point for another milestone. The past is as important as the future. We can only move forward to the future if we let the past gauge what we've accomplished against what should have been accomplished. There is always a room for improvement.

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This is one of the reasons why we aspire for greater productivity. We want to become efficient in all areas of our job so we can have more free time to spend with our family. We want to minimize our stress level at work so that, we still have the zest for anything waiting for us at home. Looking back, have you spent enough time with your loved ones? Have you taken good care of your relationships with friends, relatives, spouse, kids, partner, and someone special?


What motivates you aside from family and personal goals? It is important that we believe in some higher form of principles. Some people believe in higher entities that are beyond us. Our morals and values are oftentimes tied with what we believe in. People have their sense of responsibility aligned with universal principles.


In the bigger picture, career is only a small portion of what we all are here for. For some, career is the most important part of their lives. Then there are some people for whom, career is important only because they consider it as a channel through which they achieve certain needs. If it is a channel for the attainment of the things that matter to us, then we need to improve it.


 Our daily subsistence is not only determined by our ability to adapt ourselves to our environment but also by the amount of money we're capable to spend. We should set some goals to improve our financial standing. Cost-cutting and money-saving are the most obvious things that we can do right away.

These are only some of the areas that we need to consider in order for us to have a crystal clear view of what we need to improve on to achieve a higher level of productivity. Some of us have already completed the goals - things that they want to have or to be in the next few years. At some point, we need to have the goals that are necessary for us to improve ourselves and the people around us. These goals should be put to realization.

We need to have plans on how to achieve the goals. And we should put on top of our list the things that really matter. These goals can only have their meaning if we use them to build the blueprint upon which our actual plans are drawn. And these plans are only figment of our imagination until they are put into action. As said by the wise men, "All of life is a journey which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there." So, before making a plunge to the future, look back to see what you've achieved and how far you have to achieve.



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