Habits Of A Successful Person.

Winners do not do different things. They do things differently. FOR DAYS WE WILL FOCUS ON WINNERS AND LOSERS? Who are you? a winner or a loser? Just this year, i asked my daddy a question and the answer was, ''why are some people successful and others are not?'' This is what i called the winners path.

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes them view from the top so exhilarating- Denis Waitley. Winners work on dreams to make it a reality. Let's continue with the prose titled BE THE WINNER.

  • The winner sees an answer for every problem.
  •  The winner sees a green near every sand trip. 
  • The winner says, ''it may be difficult but possible.
  • The winner is optimistic. 
Let's take a quick look of being the loser
  • The loser sees a problem for every answer.
  • The loser sees two or three sand trips after every green.
  • The loser says, ''it may be possible but too difficult''.
Who are you? Winners always learn lessons from challenges. They see the cup as half-full. How do you see life? Good life is not for the faint hearted. Every winner roll their sleeves whiles the loser is still in bed. Every winner do not waste time, they know that every minutes counts. Donald Trump said, ''what separates the winner from the loser is how each person reacts to a new twist of fact''. Who are you? A LOSER OR A WINNER?

Sylvester Stallone once said, ''I believe there is an inner power that makes winners or losers. And the winners are the ones who really listen to the truth of their heart''. Life is a continuous succession of problems, large and small. They never stop. The only thing about problems you can change is your response to them, positive or negative, helpful or hurtful.

Most people quit at the first crisis. They collapse like tents with center poles removed. They give up and retreat to their comfort zones, at lower levels of challenge and accomplishment. But this is not for you! Your job is to view every crisis as a ''TEST'', to teach you something you need to know to be more successful in the future. The winner is you if you refuse to quit because of temporal failure.

Resolve in advance that no matter what happens, you will keep on keeping on until you succeed. ''Winners never quit and quitters never win''- Vince Lanbardi.



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