Message On The Fight Between David And Goliath.(Part 1)

Quote to start today's lesson from David and Goliath
story. The quote is, "failure do what is tension relieving,
whiles WINNERS do what is goal achieving". Let's
roll the stone from the entrance of the tomb to access

Think of your previous achievement and worry not when
people look down on you. The small boy standing in front
of you have killed a bear and a lion to rescue his fathers
animals. My point is do not look down on yourself. To be
great you must believe that you are worth great things. If
you doubt, think of your previous victory to inspire you.

Let people know your source. Your source determines your
power. David source was God. God wins every battle so if
you want to be a winner then choose God. God should be the
reason why you even boost. Jesus is on my side. If Jehovah is
involved......then kpa kpa kpa to victory.

To be able to fly like the eagle, get off anything that will not help
you. David said, "I can not move with all this stuff on" "I'm just
not use to it". If you want to win get off all back biting, hatred,
negative influences. Eagles do not move with sparrows, vultures,
crows, or the chicken. Move with conscious and same-minded 
people. Remember iron sharpens iron.

Use small things to achieve great things. David picked five smooth
stones for the battle. He knows the battle is for the Lord and also
knows that the race is not for the swift. Great achiever uses small
things to mount great height. Be ready to start small but your end
will be great.

Fun making is real. Goliath made fun of David. David said, the God
who made me to kill the animals will put you into my hands. I will
kill you and give your body to the birds. People will ridicule you.
Do not act in malice. Remember you are going to be great not
because of your circumstances but because God said so. Your life is
not in the hands of people. Do not worry because they mock you.

Thanks for reading. I'm inspired so read and reflect. Be uplifted. Move
from your comfort zone. LIFE IS A GIFT.



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