Easy Moves To Tone And Tighten Your Bum

If you are looking to tone and tighten your bum, I have found seven easy moves that will help you achieve that toned, firm bottom! Having a shapely bum is not just for those who were blessed with great genes; Check out these simple ways to tone and tighten your bum and get ready to rock the hell out of your shorts and swimsuit!
  • Kickback Squat
Squats are usually the go-to exercise to tone and tighten your bum but the kickback squat is another great move that will tone buns and thighs! Start by standing with your legs shoulder-width apart. Next, sit back to a squat. Then, bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Next, return to the squat position and repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for one minute. Remember to keep your weight back on your heels and keep your hips square when you extend your leg behind you.
  • Standing Lunges
I know lunges are a really effective way to tone your butt and thighs but they are a killer! If you are not familiar with lunges, stand with feet shoulder width apart with your feet pointing straight ahead. Step your left foot forward, keeping your forward leg centered over your ankle and making sure your knee doesn't go beyond your toes. To help you balance, remember to push off with your heels when you step forward. When coming back to the starting position, focus on straightening your knee and hip.

  • Glute Kickback
Another easy way to shape and tone your butt is with the gluteus kickback. This exercise is one of my favorites because there are not any lunges involved and it is easy to do while watching TV! Get on your hands and knees with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your head in a neutral position, lift your left leg back and up, making sure your knee is bent, until your foot is higher than your head. Squeeze your left glute and slowly lower your leg back to start position. Perform the same with your right leg and repeat.

  •  Prone Leg Lifts over a Ball
Lie with your stomach down on an exercise ball with your hands on the floor. Tighten your glute muscles and lift one of your legs slightly off the floor while you keeping leg straight, then alternate sides. If you are looking for more of a challenge, try lifting both legs up at the same time, as long as you can do so without straining your back.

  • Squats
I mentioned squats earlier as the classic butt exercise so I would be amiss not to list it as an easy way to tone your butt! Squats are another easy move that you can do just about anywhere and do not require any equipment unless you want to add weights. Start with feet parallel and shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your hips down, making sure not to let your knees go past your toes and return to the start position.

  •  Bridge
onebendre- Bridge
The bridge is another easy exercise to tighten your bottom but this is not one of those moves that you want to do outside your home! As effective as it is, it can be a bit embarrassing to do in front of others! Lie on your back with feet on the floor and hip-width apart and knees bent. Slowly lift your spine off the floor from the bottom, tightening the glutes and hamstrings until you've created a line from your shoulders to your knees. Return to the floor slowly and repeat.

  • Side Leg Raise
onebendre-Side Leg Raise
Side leg raises are another great exercise to do while you are at home watching TV or a movie. Lie on your side on the floor or on the rear edge of a mat. Place your feet at the front edge of the mat and lift your upper leg and turn it out at the hip. Keep the hips stacked and your trunk still while you lift and lower your leg, reaching from the front of your thigh. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side.

Toning your bum does not have to require a lot of equipment or tricky moves. We can easily get our bottoms in shape with these easy exercises you can do while you are watching the TV or anytime you have some spare time! What is your favorite way to shape your bottom?



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